Our Spring concert is always a time of renewal, and there are many new musical journies to be had at THE POWER OF THE DREAM!
Our youngest ensemble, Cantilena, will take on a number of musical adventures through fables and fairytales alike! There will be many Cantilena Classics on this concert! As their semester progresses, our Cantiga and Cantare ensembles have been diving into learning about the year 1685 through the eyes of three major historical composers: Johann Sebastian Bach, Allesandro Scarlatti, and George Frederick Handel! You will hear music from all three of these visionary composers at this performance! Get ready for this full "Bach to Beatles" experience filled with music that evokes an energy and exuberance that has lasted for over 300 years!
This concert will feature our parent and community ensemble: RAISE YOUR VOICE! We are so excited for this special moment of community to take to the stage! SIGNUP FOR RAISE YOUR VOICE