GROOVIN Cantilena and Cantiga
After a week of successful GET IN THE GROOVE with Cantare, it was Cantilena and Cantiga’s turn for their workshop week! Under the experienced guidance of Catherine Glaser-Climie, our two younger ensembles seamlessly transitioned from summer mode to focused rehearsal mode. Together, Cantilena and Cantiga embraced the challenges of expanding their choral repertoire, honing their vocal techniques, and building a harmonious connection as they embarked on an incredible musical journey.
For some of our choristers, this week was their FIRST DAY of choir (WOOHOO!!) For others, it was the start of another chapter in a lengthy story of exciting musical experiences here at Cantare. We were thrilled that this week got another exciting year off to a great start!

Get In The Groove is also an important time to build skills in our younger choristers. During a normal week, we only see the choristers for a few short hours; However, during GITG, the choristers are able to have longer instructive sessions on individual concepts, take breaks, and work together to learn more basics skills that will aid them throughout the year. Cantilena and Cantiga worked on ear training and musicianship skills in rotating modules with Mrs Fast and Mrs Prando, our entire team enjoyed watching their skills grow across the week.
We want to welcome Natalie Prando to our artistic team taking on the role of Musicianship Instructor and congratulate her on her first successful GITG, the choristers are loving working with her already!
Cantilena’s week featured morning sessions from 9-noon which included repertoire rehearsals with Catherine and Musicianship + Ear Training work with our musicianship instructors. As Cantilena is our youngest performing ensemble, many of these students were experiencing their FIRST DAYS OF CHOIR this week! These young choristers began constructing their musical foundation and making new friends through their first days together.
Cantiga came for the whole day throughout GITG and took HUGE steps into a new and exciting journey together. Cantiga had lots of fun music to dive into: They are working on a set of spooky music for the Halloween season, as well as a Cantare favourite: Klee Wick, dedicated to Canadian painter Emily Carr. Cantiga enjoyed getting to know Carr’s work along with the paintings of the Group of Seven as they learned how to highlight Carr’s distinctive style in the music.
Cantiga also had opportunities to step into leadership roles during FAMILY GROUP TIME where both ensembles got to spend time together playing games and singing songs.
Thank you Staff, Interns, and Volunteers!!
Our Administrative Staff, Summer Interns, and Cantare Volunteers at the last day of GITG.
Get in the groove is a MASSIVE undertaking for our entire team. The planning process for these two weeks begins at the start of the summer and sets the stage for our entire season’s work.
We want to say a huge THANK YOU to our incredible administrative staff and Summer Interns for their AMAZING work to assemble two full weeks of Get In The Groove!
We also want to say thank you to all of the Cantare choristers who came and volunteered throughout Get In The Groove. Your assistance in rehearsals and leadership during breaks and game time was so important to the week being a success!